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43 posts found tagged with "software".

Combating Child Abuse On The Net

Webcraft presents national Internet filtering platform during European Police Cybercrime conference.

CRM Reviews

Collect, manage and respond to customer reviews using the power of AI.

SMS Text Messaging

Stay in touch with your customers and contacts by means of personal and instant SMS text messages. Automate and simplify notifications, alerts and other messages for a seamless, mobile messaging solution.

GDPR is coming. Here is what you need to know.

An overview of the new EU data protection law and how this will affect your business starting from May 2018.

Outlook Coop

A fresh new website for a leading design & communications organisation.

BizGifts, by UV Print

BizGifts is a new online website providing the biggest selection of branded promotional merchandise in Malta, featuring hundreds of innovative gift ideas for businesses.

Drip Email Marketing For Small Businesses

Drip Email Marketing is a highly effective technique to boost your digital marketing, resulting in improved engagement, loyalty and conversion rates.

AI-Powered Review Management Platform for Automotive Industry

BFN-AI is trained to deliver real-time, human-like, personalised, and engaging responses to customers directly on review platforms such as Google. It frees up your in-house resources by automating the vast majority of responses and assisting you in crafting replies to those harder / negative comments.

Campaign Manager

Reach and engage customers online by creating and running your own ads on your website.